Hamed Ahmadinia

Researcher in WP3
Åbo Akademi University and Migration Institute of Finland
In project dec. 2023-


Hamed Ahmadinia, approaching the completion of his PhD in Information Studies at Åbo Akademi University, specialises in the information behaviours of immigrants in Nordic countries, focusing on the cultural and social influences on health. In the Mobile Futures project, he works as a researcher on quantitative data analysis for both WP3 and WP4. In WP3, Hamed explores trust in information regarding migration and integration, examining its impact on attitudes towards migrants and ways to improve access to reliable migration information. In WP4, his research shifts to trust in the labour market, tackling issues of institutional distrust and discrimination, especially concerning racialized immigrants and their employment challenges. His multidisciplinary research approach and analytical skills are instrumental in both work packages, informing policy development and enhancing integration strategies.